Imported vs. Local Produce: A Nutritional Perspective

Aug 29, 2023Mahika Mehta

When did you last have that delicious Karonda achaar from your Nani’s home? Or the tangy Kairi Panna of your summer holidays.

Food is more than just mere sustenance. It creates memories, strengthens bonds, and of course nourishes our bodies.

In our hectic lives and endless 9 to 5 workdays, quality food often takes a backseat. For a large section of the workforce, convenience foods have become a way of life. From the cold environs of Himachal to the coastal lands of Chennai, the same packaged foods dominate our diets.

The diversity of local foods has disappeared from our plates. Consequently, we end up consuming the same produce in every part of the country, all year round. As a child, do you remember seeing the strawberries from Himachal in the markets of Rajasthan? Conversely, indigenous produce like Shehtoot (Mulberry) and Kamrak (Star Fruit) is nowhere to be found due to lack of demand. These are a powerhouse of rare micronutrients which strengthen our nutrient stores.

But with the advent of imported produce, our treasured local foods and recipes have lost their charm. Produced in distant countries, and packed away in cold storage, these fruits and vegetables lose all their nutritional value. Moreover, such produce is often unsuitable for inhabitants living in different weather conditions. Imagine eating a cool watermelon in the chilly locales of Kashmir!

Celebrity nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar, writes, “2 billion people across the globe suffer from micronutrient deficiencies.” Nutrition science has established a clear link between micronutrient insufficiencies and non-communicable conditions such as PCOD, hypertension, and diabetes.

As we restore the consumption of indigenous produce, we can reconnect with the recipes from our childhood and with our culture and community. Moreover, with these small and simple additions to our diets, we can easily reverse the damage caused by the modern lifestyle.

At JR Farms, you can easily access fresh local produce from the comfort of your home. Find rare organic fruits and vegetables like Kundru, Chawlai, and Raw Dates at affordable prices to amp up your diet. Switch to a better way of life with JR Farms.

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